What is Microblading
Microblading is a method of creating a very beautiful natural-looking eyebrow. Microblading uses a permanent makeup hand tool (usually a bundle of multiple needles) to draw super-fine hairs that mimic natural growth. It’s an innovative procedure to get that perfect look with no downtime!

What is Ombre /Powder Brows
Ombre or Powdered brows are created with a small needle machine. This look creates a more blended powder look, similar to when you do your make up.
The tails (or end of your brows) are darker than the fronts giving it the Ombre effect. This technique is suitable for all skin types.
What is Nanobrows
Nano brows (AKA Machine hair strokes) bear a striking resemblance to the hairstroke-like effect achieved with Microblading, but they employ a gentler machine-based technique, operating in a shallower skin layer. The versatility of nano brows is truly impressive, catering to a wide range of skin types, making them an appealing choice for those with thin, sensitive, or excessively oily skin.

Whether you are a victim of the overplucked 90’s brows or you just want fuller more shapely brows without hassles and pencils, then Microblading could be right for you.
With eyebrow microblading, you can enjoy beautifully shaped, realistic looking brows created by individual hair strokes which are placed under the skin with the desired color pigment.
Microblading is a method of semi-permanent makeup as opposed to the traditional technique performed by a machine. It is done manually using a very fine blade to deposit pigments into the skin. The strokes appear crisp and very fine to produce a natural looking brow. Optimal results typically require a perfecting visit 6-8 weeks after the 1st procedure. This allows enough time for the ink in the epidermis to naturally slough off and the color to settle into your skin.​
This procedure is not right for everyone however we do have alternative techniques to give you the best results while still offering the natural brows we all love. Your appointment requires about 2 1/2 hours. Because of this, if you are a candidate and would like to proceed, a deposit will be required to hold your appointment.
What to do before your appointment…
No Botox, fillers, chemical peels, laser treatments or other cosmetic procedures at least 2 weeks prior
No anti-aging, anti-acne creams, serums or lotions containing acids, at least 2 weeks prior
No Retin-A/Retinols for at least 2 weeks prior
No waxing, tinting or tweezing brows 3 days prior
No tan or sunburned skin near the eyebrows on day of procedure
No Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Nuprin), Naproxen Sodium (Aleve), Fish Oil, Vitamin E or any other vitamin supplements for 5 days prior
No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior
There are certain instances when a person is not a good candidate for
microblading. Those include the following…
Previous eyebrow tattoos (must be approved prior to scheduling)
Pregnant or nursing
Under 18 years of age
Eczema, Psoriasis, dermatitis, acne or any skin irritation/ wound near the eyebrow on day of
Undergoing chemotherapy
History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring
Ill with cold, flu, sinus infection or other infectious diseases
Clients with very oily skin types may have difficulty holding the pigment and may require more frequent touch-ups. Oily skin types or large pores in the eyebrow/forehead area may not produce as crisp of “hair strokes”when healed.
ln order to achieve the best results possible, it is critical that you follow the after care guidelines:
Day 1 (day of treatment):
Wait 1 hour and let the wounds weep lymph. After 1 hour, wipe off the lymph drainage with a moistened cotton pad (bottled or distilled water). Repeat this every hour the rest of the day. Apply a thin layer of the aftercare cream (provided to you) in the evening after wiping the last time.
Day 2-9:
Oily Skin: With clean hands, cleanse brows 2-3 times per day with warm water and a mild soap. If skin is mildly oily, apply aftercare cream twice per day. If skin is very oily, do not use any aftercare cream. Normal-Dry Skin: With clean hands, cleanse brows in the evening only and apply a thin layer of the After Inked aftercare cream. You may apply aftercare cream in the morning as well, if needed, but DO NOT cleanse.
The following must be avoided during all ten days post microblading procedure:
Increased sweating. It is recommended that you not sweat heavily for the 9 days after the procedure. Sweat contains salt and salt can cause loss of pigment in unhealed skin.
Playing sports of any kind
Swimming, sauna, hot bath, jacuzzi
Tanning, tanning salons or spray tans. No sun tanning 10 days pre/post procedure
Laser, chemical treatments or peels, exfoliant creams containing Retin-A or hydroxyl acids
Picking, peeling or scratching the micro-pigmented area to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment
Performing heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement where there is a lot of airborne debris
Makeup and eyeshadows containing mica, or glitter/sparkles around the brow area
Before showering, apply a layer of the aftercare cream and keep your brows away from direct shower stream. Try to keep brows as dry as possible during your shower.
Itching and flaking may appear during the first seven days. This is normal and will subside quickly with proper after care.
Healing of deeper wounds may last 7-21 days. Pigment may seem to flake, disappear and reappear over the next month. This is a natural part of the healing process and following proper aftercare will resolve this quickly.